Why are Remote Teams an Excellent Option for Startups?

Why are Remote Teams an Excellent Option for Startups?

At this time of skyrocketing costs, hiring an in-house team of professionals in a traditional office setting can be prohibitively expensive. Startups are forced to battle for limited talent and costly office space in major US tech hubs when endeavoring to create a new business. Hence, when it comes time to hire a team, entrepreneurs should consider recruiting remote employees.

As per Hallway’s data, over sixty companies around the world have implemented a completely remote work model, and the figure will continue to grow as technology continues to transform the world.

The below details will make it quite clear why and how a remote team of employees could work for your startup.

Remote teams open up new prospects for startups

Founders and CEOs should consider the following benefits when deciding whether to hire remote teams for startups.

Remuneration and other Basic Costs

In both the short and long term, engaging a remote team can save you money. A remote team’s remuneration is significantly lower than that of a professional in-house team. For example, The App Association has assessed that the typical salary of an in-house software developer is over $8,666 per month. Contrast that to the cost of a remote professional hired through Aspired, which can be as low as $3,000 per month.

One of the most substantial fixed operating expenses a business may face is the cost of renting office space. By adopting a remote work policy, your startup can save quite a bit of money by eliminating the need for expensive office space, utility bills, personal computers, and a continuous internet connection.

Access to a pool of diverse talent

One of the most problematic challenges facing employers is finding the best talent. By opting for a remote team, you increase the size of the talent pool available. As you are free to search for people located anywhere in the world, it increases the prospect of attracting the smartest minds out there. Virtual expansion also becomes easily possible with a remote team.

Simplified hiring and training

Recruiting full-time workers is a slow, expensive, and labor-intensive process that entails several steps, such as seeking applications, reviewing CVs, and conducting personnel interviews. A remote hiring company will manage all the human resource processes and save you from this hassle.

Training your in-house employees in the latest technologies and tools can have a substantial impact on your budget and time. In the case of remote employees, you do not need to worry about training.

Goal in focus

A remote setup serves as a reminder to your employees: you value work that helps the business achieve its objectives. Employees must deliver on a regular basis even though they are not physically present on site. They need to own the responsibility for meeting goals assigned to them, which eventually leads to the fulfillment of company objectives.

Retaining in-house talent

As per a StackOverflow report, more than 60% of on-site developers are attracted to new job opportunities. Any employer would find this to be a negative state of affairs, as retaining highly skilled developers can be problematic if they have such a mindset. Your business may suffer a setback if one or more critical in-house experts decides to leave suddenly. A remote setup can, to quite a large extent, avert such a potential problem.

Remote teams are being used across the board

You are not the only startup trying to reduce expenses by opting to hire remote employees. In 2019, the global IT outsourcing market was valued at USD 333.7 billion, with a projected increase to USD 397.6 billion by 2025. You can be assured that it is a tried and tested technique being used by many companies around the world.

Tips and Tricks to Hiring Remote Employees

Remote teams clearly provide significant benefits to startups that function on a lean, results-driven model. Recruiters and startup creators should be aware that hiring for remote positions differs from hiring for conventional office workers. When forming your first remote group, keep these four tactics in mind.

Hire the right remote employees

Working remotely is not for everybody. You need to hire people who have worked remotely before or who choose to work in a flexible setting. The majority of great remote hires have certain traits in common, such as being tech-savvy or possessing great interpersonal skills.

Keep your expectations evident

Nothing is more damaging to a company’s bottom line than a manager who has vague requirements. Be clear about what you want from your team in the first work interview or Skype meeting. It goes without saying that holding people accountable is especially critical in a remote work environment.

Output matters most

As previously said, great remote workers prioritize productivity over time. At the time of recruitment, you may offer remote hires the flexibility they need to accomplish project targets. However, to be sustainable, remote work requires an intricate balance of flexibility and performance. You will need to have some sort of dedicated online system to track and gauge day-to-day progress and also connect with your employees located remotely through an appropriate engagement portal such as Slack.

Shifting to remote down the road may not be easy

Your first recruit is the perfect time to start developing a remote team. If you decide to go remote later, you run the risk of alienating personnel who are not used to working remotely. Also, you do not want your in-house employees to believe that the remote part of the team is less valuable or that remote work is a slacker’s paradise. Buffer and Zapier are two great examples of businesses that have been completely remote from the start.

Where can you find dedicated remote personnel?

It can often be tough to find a dedicated remote team. Such teams are made up of a variety of professionals with skills in different fields such as programming, user experience (UX), and Quality Assurance (QA). There are, however, certain places where you may find talented remote employees.

Online communities such as GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Hashnode may be good places to start looking for remote software experts. Nevertheless, the profiles have not been authenticated and may provide questionable data.

Then there are freelance networks like UpWork and Fiverr, which allow users to browse the profiles of hundreds of freelancers with diverse experience and expertise. Both systems are great for working with single freelancers, but not so much for recruiting an entire remote team.

Last but not least, we have remote hiring companies like Aspired, which can provide a well-organized and custom-made recruiting process for building your remote team without typical complications. It can assist you in hiring software developers as well as a wide range of experts with the skills and experience your startup needs.

A Remote Team for your startup

Remote working has many potential advantages for your startup. It gives you access to new talent, allows you to save money, and focuses on performance.

Keep in mind, however, that recruiting remote workers can be a complex process. You need a framework that can rigorously screen candidates and create a suitable remote workforce. You should opt to use a specialist agency like Aspired for a smooth and cost-effective remote team hiring process; it can organize a remote team practically overnight!

With these pointers in mind, entrepreneurs like you can easily form remote teams that are ready to change the game on a global scale.

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