Why Remote Work Always Beats Office-Based Work

Why Remote Work Always Beats Office-Based Work

You may have speculated, at some point in time, how remote work compares to full-time office work. If we look back to about a decade ago, remote work was fairly rare. Fast forward to today, and remote work is on the upsurge, especially as businesses try to shield their employees from exposure to the new coronavirus (COVID-19). Many companies are shifting from the traditional in-office setup to remote work and are looking for tools and techniques to make the changeover manageable.

There actually are quite a few relevant reasons many businesses such as startups, digital agencies, financial managers, and online retailers choose to hire remote employees.

Reasons to Believe in Remote Hiring

Cost savings in multiple areas

Companies with remote employees save a lot of money on fixed costs because there is no physical office. You can save money normally spent on leasing fees, in-house IT, utilities, and other expenses. An estimation has extrapolated that businesses could save more than $700 billion annually if half of the personnel in the US worked remotely.

Your project may require a wide range of skills and expertise that your in-house resources are unable to provide. In such a situation, hiring full-time resources for that particular project may not be cost-effective or even wise. In addition, the hiring process of full-time employees is often a time-consuming and expensive operation.

Instead, you can team up with a remote hiring company to hire dedicated staff on a part-time or per-hour basis, contingent on the project’s needs.

There can also be an enormous difference in the salary of a remote team vs. an in-house team of skilled workers. The remote team hiring cost model has the advantage of allowing a company to determine employee pay based on their location around the world. If you hire a Karachi-based employee, for example, their living costs will be much lower than that of a New York-based employee, so they won’t need a certain remuneration level to compensate.

If you need to see some numbers, it is projected that the average salary of an in-house San Francisco-based designer is over $11,000 per month. Compare that to the remuneration of a remote designer hired through Aspired, and it can be lower than 50 percent of that amount.

Remote workers may get more work done

You may not be a firm believer in the notion that remote employees are more efficient. It is, however, backed up by evidence. Working remotely improved productivity by 13 percent in a 9-month Stanford study of 16,000 call center employees.

It’s no surprise that remote workers are more efficient. Offices in the traditional sense are very distracting! There, you’re far too approachable. Someone is always approaching your desk, you’re constantly being called to meetings, and there’s constant background noise and chatter.

Productivity is extremely important. Everybody loses if you don’t have effective workers. If your workers aren’t effective, they’re probably demotivated, and such employees can cost you money.

Top-tier talent at your fingertips

You would agree that top-tier technical expertise and experience are required for the development of customized and complex projects. Instead of having to search in a small geographical area around your office, you can look for the best available remote employee anywhere in the world. You are free to make the best hiring decisions for your business.

Many companies have remote employees spread across multiple countries. In simple words, because such employees can work from anywhere, employers can look for the best talent anywhere.

Don’t know where to start? An easy technique would be for you to avail the systems of a remote hiring company to tap into the diverse expertise and skillset of available dedicated employees. Such companies are well known for offering flexibility and diversity to their customers, and can ensure your success with a remote team.

An additional benefit of remote hiring is that you do not need to worry about retaining highly skilled talent, which can be difficult sometimes. The remote hiring company will manage that for you.

The Appeal Aspect

Having a policy of remote hiring will also help you attract world-class talent. Versatile policies demonstrate a company’s willingness to innovate, transform, and adjust to changing market conditions. Talented candidates do not want to work for an organization that is trapped in the twentieth century.

The Australian Government, in its business case for flexible working, has shown that flexibility can enhance the ability to attract and retain employees. The business case is a research-based resource that outlines the ways flexibility in work is beneficial for business.

A technique for amazing remote team administration

Remote work is preferable, but it really doesn’t happen just because you think it’s okay to hire remote employees. Putting the policy on paper is just the first step. Successful management is key to success, and you can handle it effectively even though you’re not in the same physical place.

Here are a few simple measures to make it possible:

Prioritize all tasks

The actual trick is that each assignment must be tied to a specific target. After you’ve organized your goals and assignments, you’ll need project management software to keep things in order. It could be beneficial to organize items by department.

Finally, since remote workers operate in different time zones and on different schedules, everything should be noted for each job. This includes any links, documents, or remarks that an employee might use to get clarity if you are unavailable at the time they are working.

Help your employees succeed

Remove any barriers and leverage enabling tools if you want to motivate your remote staff to do their best work. By using a task management application in tandem with time tracking tools, you can organize items into tasks. You should be able to see work being completed in real-time, separated into individual and team jobs, from a monitoring dashboard.

Discover the right people

People aren’t really capable of transformation. Either they can perform the job, or they can’t. It’s hard to teach people to do good work, and much more difficult to persuade them to do so. As a consequence, you must seek out appropriate individuals.

The problem isn’t a shortage of staff. Millions of them exist around the world, some of whom are employed and others who are not. The real problem is finding talented people. This is why it is important to seek them out in appropriate locations.

One of the methods that have helped recruiters interact with personnel is LinkedIn. Job boards and online forums are other options, but you’ll need dedication and persistence to see results. You can post your work ad on job boards and wait for qualified candidates to see it and apply. However, it does not guarantee that those who reply are the ones you need.

You may be familiar with the introduction of remote recruiting firms a few years ago; it is one of the reasons why the employee recruitment game has changed. A specialist remote hiring firm, such as Aspired, can provide a well-ordered and personalized recruitment scheme to help you develop your remote team without the usual snags. It will help you find staff who have the expertise and experience that your project needs.

Parting thoughts

Employees in the conventional office were expected to be solitary operators. But that phrase has gone out of workplace fashion a long time ago. Today we are living in a global economy, with intellectual and social assets becoming increasingly important. International remote teams, operating on mobile devices that don’t need to be plugged into a fixed desk, are becoming more common in today’s workplace. Aspired can easily help you realize your aspiration of an elite remote team.

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